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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Italian Neo-Realism

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The Bicycle Thief

This movie came out in 1948 and I have to say that it has to be the most if not the best portrayal of human tragedy and kindness and human emotions!! I have attached the trailer to the film because it gives you an overall rundown of the film.

My favourite quote from the trailer is 

     "Performs the central function of art. Without warping the life it depicts, it discovers the
       meaning of that life, and is as though the soul of a man had been filmed."

Isn't that just beautiful? It wraps up what the idea of Italian Neorealist films were all about. The style was developed by a circle of film critics that revolved around the Magazine Cinema. Below are the well known Directors of the time.

Italian Neorealism films were shot on location using non professional actors and were often shot in streets because film studios had been damaged due to the war. The genre came about as WWII ended causing the Italian film industry to lose it's center. 

The stories were set among the poor and working class and contend with the difficult economic and moral conditions of WWII Italy. They represented changes in Italian psyche, poverty, oppression, injustice, desperation and conditions of life. It was a sign of cultural change and social progress.

Thoughts on how to incorporate this into our film is to take elements such as:

    The bike from "The Bicycle thief"
    Black & White film
    Street scenes
    Low budget props and costumes
    Non professional actors (which would have happened anyway)

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